If this is your first time logging into the new system, your username will be:
- The name of your police department if you are a PD.
- For example, Wrens Police Department's username would be: Wrens
- If your PD has multiple words, use them all. For example, Young Harris College Police Department's username would be: Young Harris College
- The name of your county if you are an SO.
- For example, Worth County Sheriff's Office's username would be: Worth County
- Note: Capitalization, spacing, and spelling all matter with your username. Using "Co." instead of "County" will not work, or typing "Waverlyhall" instead of "Waverly Hall" will not work.
- If you do not know your password feel free to email info@gareporting.com or call 1-800-99BELTS. This will NOT change your password for GA Reporting, just for this site.